Welcome to Modified Volleyball

Modified Volleyball

Mr. Thomas (ethomas@rhinebeckcsd.org)

 There will be a informational meeting for anyone signed up or interested in playing Modified Volleyball this year on Thursday, September 9th at 2:45 in the BMS Gym.

 During the course of the season, we will work hard to develop the skills needed to move on to the JV and Varsity teams in future years.  To be successful this year please plan to:

  • Attend all practices
  • Be a team player
  • Report all injuries to your coaches immediately
  • Display sportsmanship towards opponents, officials, spectators and coaches
  • Have fun and represent Rhinebeck with pride

*I understand you will miss practice for family reasons just make sure it is communicated to me prior to missing the practice.

**If you are involved in an outside activity such as a club or other sport it is important that you communicate your commitment to me.

Students should have sneakers and kneepads for all practices and matches. We will plan to practice in the BMS Gym everyday unless there is a match. The practice schedule for the next week will be:

  • Friday 9/10 – 2:45 – 4:15
  • Monday 9/13 – 3:15 – 4:45
  • Tuesday 9/14 – 3:15 – 4:45
  • Wednesday 9/15 – no practice
  • Thursday – 9/16 – no practice
  • Friday 9/17 – 2:45 – 4:15

On days when practice begins at 3:15 all students should report to the after-school study hall in the BMS Cafeteria until I arrive.


“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out”.

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